What is an occupational safety card needed for?
The occupational safety card is proof of occupational safety management in shared workplaces of companies. he goal of the system is to improve collaboration between employees within companies and support job instruction on shared workplaces, provide basic knowledge of occupational safety, reduce redundant training, spark interest and motivate employees towards occupational safety issues, and reduce workplace accidents and hazardous situations.
Who needs to complete the occupational safety training?
Many companies require the completion of an occupational safety card to ensure the safety of shared workplaces. In particular, several industrial companies, developers, and construction firms require the occupational safety card from all their partners.
How can I get an occupational safety card?
Completing and renewing the occupational safety card requires an eight-hour training, during which the occupational safety card test is also taken.
What areas the holder of an occupational safety card must master?
The holder of the occupational safety card must master all the areas covered in the occupational safety training. The occupational safety card test consists of all the areas discussed in the training. The areas of occupational safety training are:
- Shared workplace
- Common safety
- Onboarding
- A safe workday at a shared workplace
- Onnettomuustilanteissa toimiminen
In addition, the occupational safety training includes the occupational safety card test, where the test questions are true/false statements.
Do I have to attend training when completing the occupational safety card?
Completing and renewing the occupational safety card requires an eight-hour training, during which the occupational safety card test is also taken.
Do I have to take a test when completing the occupational safety card?
Completing and renewing the occupational safety card requires an eight-hour training, during which the occupational safety card test is also taken.
How do I register for occupational safety training?
You can register for occupational safety training through the training listing on the Työturvakortit.fi homepage.
What is the price of the occupational safety training?
The price and payment methods for the occupational safety training can be found under the specific training listing. The occupational safety training can be paid for via online banking, credit card, or in cash when attending the training, if the cash option is available for that specific course. Billing via online payment option and for companies through email orders is also possible. You will receive a receipt immediately upon registration directly to your email.
I did not pass the occupational safety training test. Can I retake the test?
The test included in the occupational safety training can be retaken twice.
How do I prepare for occupational safety training and testing?
“You can prepare for the occupational safety training and test by carefully studying the areas of occupational safety training and the test. You can study the theory of occupational safety using the Trainify app. The price of the Työturvakortit.fi training includes Trainify learning materials!
What is the occupational safety training test like?
The occupational safety card test consists of 27 true/false statements, of which at least 23 must be answered correctly.
Does the occupational safety training include study materials?
The occupational safety training includes study materials from the Occupational Safety Center, which the instructor distributes to all participants at the beginning of the training.
Does the participant need to prove their identity in the occupational safety training?
Participants in the occupational safety training and the occupational safety card test must prove their identity with a valid, official identification document.
What are the accepted forms of identification?
- An identification card issued by a government authority (police) with photo, passport, and driver’s license (including moped license).
- Alien’s passport and refugee travel document.
- A stamped document issued by the police or border guard, proving that the passport is in the possession of the authority. The document must include a copy of the passport.
Which documents are not accepted for proving identity?
- Expired driver’s license, passport, identity card
- Finnish Kela card with photo
- Finnish military passport
- Residence permit card (without passport)
- Copies of passport, ID card, etc.
- Identification documents that are missing the full name, full social security number, or whose photo is easily replaced
How is completed occupational safety training verified?
The occupational safety card is the only official proof of completed occupational safety training. Everyone who completes the training will receive the occupational safety card by mail. A paper certificate or an email certificate sent after the training does not replace the actual occupational safety card. If proof of course completion is needed, it can be shown with the occupational safety card certificate until the actual card is received.
I have lost my occupational safety card. What should I do?
If you have lost your occupational safety card, you can order a new one from the Occupational Safety Center’s website.
Order a new occupational safety card here.
There is a typo on my occupational safety card. What should I do?
If you notice a typo on your occupational safety card, contact your occupational safety instructor. Your instructor can make a reissue request for your occupational safety card.
How long does it take to receive the official occupational safety card?
The official occupational safety card will be mailed within 2-4 weeks from the training day. If the participant has not received the occupational safety card for the training they completed, they should contact the instructor and possibly also the Occupational Safety Center if the issue is not resolved by contacting the instructor.
How long is the occupational safety card valid for?
The occupational safety card is valid for five years.
How do I renew my occupational safety card after it expires?
Renewing the occupational safety card requires completing a seven-hour training course, followed by an exam. The training is the same for both first-time applicants and those renewing their card, but for holders of a valid occupational safety card, a four-hour refresher course is sufficient.
Voiko työturvakortin uusia pelkällä työturvatestillä?
Renewing an occupational safety card requires seven hours of training, which is concluded with an exam.
Who manages the occupational safety card system?
The occupational safety card system is managed by The Centre for Occupational Safety, which also maintains a registry of individuals who have completed the card.
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